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Frost's blog

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Lights out for high energy bulbs this autumn
June 14th 2021
From September 2021, the Government banned the sale of halogen light bulbs and from September 2023, legislation will also include the removal of fluorescent lights from shelves in a bid to tackle climate change.    
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What is the 'cladding scandal'?
June 14th 2021
The Grenfell Tower disaster in June 2017 claimed 72 lives, and exposed the dangers of inflammable cladding on residential tower blocks, and has become known as 'The Cladding Scandal'.  This triggered calls for changes to UK building regulations and the strengthening of fire safety measures.  
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Meet Cherry Maddern - Move in progressor
May 29th 2021
Meet Cherry Maddern, our move in progressor.  Cherry joined us in November last year, bringing a wealth of experience and superb customer focused approach from a career within the lettings market.  
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What the Debt Respite Breathing Space Scheme means to landlords
May 6th 2021
Covid-19 may have left some tenants struggling to pay their rent, and this new law will ensure they have some "breathing space", giving them time to find a way to pay off their debts.  The Debt Respite Scheme came into effect from 4 May 2021.  
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Meet Sophie Hutchinson
May 6th 2021
This month we wanted to highlight Sophie Hutchinson, our newly appointed Lettings Manager for St Albans.  Sophie lives locally in the area and has worked within the property industry for over 9 years, been with Frosts for almost 6 years, and  gained a huge wealth of property knowledge during this time.
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Property Management - new temporary office
May 4th 2021
Like every business Frost’s have been through a tumultuous year, ensuring we have protected our staff and clients has been central in decisions we have taken and with the restrictions on social distancing providing us less office space then we would need a lot of our staff have like many elsewhere have been working from home over the last year. As we look to regain some normality, we are delighted to inform you that we have taken a temporary office in St Albans in order to allow our entire property management team to return to work.
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Garden responsibilities for landlords and tenant
April 29th 2021
Properties with gardens have been extremely sought after since the start of lockdown. When it comes to renting a property with a garden, landlords and tenants can get easily confused with what’s required from both parties and this can cause confusion at the end of the tenancy.  
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Couple with a property manager
April 14th 2021
If you are thinking of investing into property, or are already a landlord, you may be thinking of engaging the services of a Property Management Company rather than managing it yourself.  Rental properties are subject to an increasing amount of legislation and compliance, and as a landlord you have responsibilities towards your tenants that you cannot afford to ignore.
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Man with a suitcase
April 12th 2021
There may be a variety of reasons that you may want to end a tenancy; because you are moving back home or because you have decided to sell, but whatever the reason there is only one lawful way to end a tenancy and that is to serve notice on your tenant.
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Flooded floor
April 12th 2021
Introducing Fixflo: Frost's repair reporting system available to all tenants of properties fully managed by Frost's, offering both tenants and landlords complete peace of mind.
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Meet Elena Duff - Property Management Assistant
April 8th 2021
Elena has been part of the Property Management team since 2011, and brings a wealth of knowledge relating to compliance issues.  Most of you will have dealt with her, whilst we have been managing your property.
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Rise in home-owners moving into rental properties
March 29th 2021
Rightmove have recently reported on more home-owners moving into rental properties so that they are in a stronger buying position when their dream home comes up for sale.
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