New homes

Landlord services and charges

Find the right lettings service for you...

Because every Landlord has a different reason for letting a property, every landlord has different needs and that’s why Frost’s offer varying levels of service to accommodate the differing needs of our clients.

The options we can offer and a table of charges are listed below.

14.4% incl VAT
Rent Collection
12% incl. VAT
Intro only
9.6% incl. VAT
What's included in Managed:
What's included in Rent Collection:
What's included in Intro only:
14.4% incl VAT
Rent Collection
12% incl. VAT
Intro only
9.6% incl. VAT
Arrange Professional Photography and Floorplan
Advertise and Market your Property
Arrange and accompany viewings and provide feedback
Premium Listing on Rightmove
Initial Right to Rent Checks Carried Out
Collecting the First Months’ Rent and Security Deposit
Paying into the Landlord’s Account by BACs
Ongoing Right to Rent Checks
On Going Collection of Rent & Chasing Late or Non-Payment
Providing a Monthly Statement of Account
Arranging of Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Alarm to be Tested on Move In
Registering of Deposit Funds via MyDeposits
Ensuring Deposit Remains Protected Throughout the Tenancy
Booking an Inventory (third party costs)
Advising Utility Providers & Council of a Change of Tenancy
Half Yearly Visits with Report Sent to Landlord
Arranging Any Maintenance & Repairs as Necessary
Booking Gas Safety Certificate (third party costs)
Dealing with the Deposit Negotiations at the End of the Tenancy
Issuing Section 21 Notice
Creation of Annual Tax Statement on Request

Landlord Fees

Managed and Rent Collection Services

Landlord Additional Costs (including VAT) - if required 

  • Additional periodic visit with written report (outside of what is included as part of your management service) - £50.00
  • Providing access for contractors £75.00 per hour Waiting Time
  • Agreeing another fixed term agreement or rent review, and/or serving Section 13 notice - £100.00 Negotiations
  • Inventory carried out by 3rd party - from £144.00 (price dependent on property size)
  • Providing any documentation to third parties e.g. solicitors/ MyDeposits - £125.00
  • Tenancy Transfer fee - Equivalent to one month's rent
  • Change of ownership - £180
  • Energy Performance Certificate - £150.00
  • Legionella Risk Assessment - £150.00
  • Landlord safety pack - £198.00
  • Electrical Installation Condition Report - from £199.00 (Dependent on property size)
  • Deposit registration fee (Applicable to Rent Collection Only) - £150.00

All optional services above INCLUDE VAT at the current rate
All works are subject to receipt of payment in advance


Marketing to Move In Fee 

Frost’s Managed service is subject to a Marketing to Move in fee of £300.00 inc VAT the first time that the property is let. Thereafter, the Marketing to Move in fee of £180 inc VAT is payable on each further new tenancy. 

Tenant Referencing

For all services offered, £75.00 inc VAT per tenant for referencing. This covers the cost of credit checks, landlord references and employment references. 

Let Only service

Landlord Additional Costs (including VAT) - if required 

The following is a list of additional services which can be offered along with the fee which a trusted third party contractor ("Third Party") will charge for this service. Please be advised that while an estimate of the Third Party's fees are provided for standard works, these fees are subject to change. Works which are not routine will be subject to their own fees. The Agent will not be responsible for the fees quoted or charged by the Third Party, though the Agent will provide the Landlord with an estimate of costs before instructing work and seek the appropriate authority to proceed, unless such authority has already been given within this Agreement. Where the Third Party fee is not known, the field will read 'TBC' or similar, or be left blank. 

Payment of fees

If the fee equates to more than the first month's rent we will require the balance to be paid in advance prior to the tenancy agreement being created by Frost's. 

Upon agreeing a tenancy, we will provide a full breakdown of our fees by way of invoice which can be paid by debit card or bank transfer. 

Additional services we offer for Introduction Only

  • Periodic visit with written report - £100.00
  • Issuing paperwork for a fixed term agreement or rent review and/or serving Section 13 notice - £250.00
  • Inventory - From £144.00 (price dependent on size)
  • Deposit registration with My Deposits - £150.00
  • Test smoke alarms on first day of tenancy - £60.00
  • Frost's Landlord Safety Pack - £198.00
  • Legionella Risk Assessment - £150.00
  • Gas Safety Certificate - From £120.00
  • Energy Performance Certificate - £150.00
  • Providing any documentation to third parties e.g. Solicitors/MyDeposits - £150.00
  • Electrical Installation Condition Report - £199.00+ (price dependent on size)

All optional services above INCLUDE VAT at the current rate
All works are subject to receipt of payment in advance


Marketing to Move In Fee 

Frost's Managed service is subject to a Marketing to Move in fee of £300.00 inc VAT the first time that the property is let. Thereafter, the Marketing to Move in fee of £180 inc VAT is payable on each new further tenancy. 

Frost's Rent Collection service and Let Only service is subject to a Marketing to Move in fee of £300 inc VAT for each tenancy created. The Marketing to Move in fee for all services covers costs relating to all marketing activities, contract preparation and setting up the tenancy. 

Tenant Referencing

For all services offered, £75.00 inc VAT per tenant for referencing. This covers the cost of credit checks, landlord references and employment references.